Barghest Building Performance achieving SGBC Energy Performance Contracting Certification

Certificate updated on 25 Jul 2017. We have now achieved L4

Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) launched the first Green Services certification scheme in Singapore in October 2012, certifying amongst other Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) Firms.

The assessment criteria focus on the following areas:

  1. Staff competencies and development
  2. Green corporate practices in the entire business value chain
  3. Support for the Green community, such as participation in the activities of Green NGOs and promotion of Green Building knowledge
  4. Track record in the delivery of Green projects and promotion of Green Building design, including pushing the frontier for excellence and achievement of awards

Barghest Building Performance is proud to have achieved SGBC EPC certification showing that our company has the expertise, financial resources and environmental commitment needed to enter into long term Energy Performance Contracts with our clients.


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